Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cool Fashion Illustrations

Peggy Wolf
Peggy Wolf was born in Germany where she studied Fashion Design. During her years at the University she found out that drawing and illustrating are a bigger challenge for her than designing clothes.

In 2006 she moved to London, as she felt very inpired by the city, the people and all the designs. Since then she is creating handmade illustrations and photo collages using soft delicate colors and prints with sharp details - including natures beauties - lemons, florals and birds. Her model’s expressions have a high fashion appeal with a feminine color palette that is mix matched perfectly.

For original illustrations, commissioned work and wholesales please contact her at peggywolfdesign [!at] gmail.com


  1. oh i love love love these illustrations. i so wish i had that gift! thanks so much for sharing. heading to her etsy NOW.

  2. These pictures are so lovely, xo

  3. These are amazing! The collage element makes them so beautifully eerie.

  4. OMG they are so cool!

  5. thank you for this post! i love her work...just checked her out on etsy and saved her as a fave seller. :) great blog btw!


  6. these are very very cool!!!!!
